History Curriculum Statement
‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history ‘
Martin Luther King Jr
At Crow Orchard Primary School, we aim to provide an informative, fun and engaging study of History which promotes curiosity about the past and the development of a greater understanding of the world in which we live. Children are helped to understand the past in relation to themselves, their families, their communities and the wider world, building on their knowledge and skills throughout each key stage, hence demonstrating continuity and progression in learning.
From the start of EYFS through to the end of KS2 the children will develop their history subject knowledge, skills and understanding as required by the EYFS statutory framework and the National Curriculum. Pupils engage in historical enquiry, by developing and asking questions, analysing sources of information and artefacts and using evidence to develop their understanding and explanations of the past. They are encouraged to look for similarities and differences between the past and present and consider how the past has impacted on their lives today.
We have eight key priorities at Crow Orchard Primary School that underpin every subject area. We believe that by focusing on these key priorities our children will be ready to successfully meet the challenges of the next stage of their education and their lives.
What does it look like?
Our history learning has its’ foundation in EYFS with knowledge and skills progressing through KS1 and KS2. Each unit of history engages pupils with a valid historical enquiry, builds their knowledge, develops their understanding and requires them to communicate findings.
Early Years
In the Early Years Foundation Stage our children investigate changes that have occurred in their life time, starting from when they were born to now. They learn about the significant people in their lives and how things that are used today have changed since their parents were young. Teaching and learning is very practically based including immersing the children in stories, role play, small world activities, construction and art work, all of which enthuse and engage the children and begin to develop an interest and love of history.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
The knowledge and skills that each history unit covers is clearly identified by the teacher and progression can be seen across the school in the areas of:
- Events, people and changes.
- Enquiry, interpretation and using sources.
These begin on a simple level in KS1 to develop a secure foundation on which further knowledge and understanding is built, and increase in complexity and expectation across the year groups. Each year group builds upon what has already been taught.
Individual lesson plans take account of the differing needs of the individual pupils allowing all to access the lessons fully in the way they work best.
In Key Stage 1 the focus is on:
- Historical changes within living memory
- Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally
- The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements and significant historical events
- People and places in their own locality.
In Key Stage 2 the focus is on
- Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
- The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
- Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
- The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor
- A local history study; a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
- The achievements of the earliest civilizations.
- Ancient Greece.
- Non-European society that provides contrasts with British history.
British history is taught chronologically across KS2, thus ensuring pupils develop a secure understanding of how different people and events have formed the country they live in today.
Wider curriculum:
Where possible cross-curricular links are made in other subjects, linking our history learning to other areas of the curriculum, so making learning more cohesive. Teaching and learning is enhanced by external visitors and trips to places of historical interest that link to the area under study. This gives the children a more holistic view of history and puts their knowledge in greater context.
At Crow Orchard the impact of high quality first teaching of history will be evident in the progress made by pupils in the skills, knowledge and understanding of history.
Over their years in primary school, they will:
- gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the history of both their own country and that of the wider world.
- develop curiosity about the past and an enthusiasm to learn about the people and events of the past and how they affect us today.
- begin to ask insightful questions, think critically and evaluate evidence, developing their own opinions which they are able to support with evidence from history.
- understand the way in which their lives have been shaped throughout history, by human endeavour, events, changes in values and attitudes.
- begin to understand how people and society changes over time.
- understand that time and changing societies offer different perspectives on events of the past, which may result in opinions and ideas being seen as controversial today.
Progress will be assessed in a variety of ways, initially by the class teacher and also by the subject leader.
Class teachers will use individual, group and class discussion, written work, quizzes, art/ D&T work and ICT work to assess the knowledge and understanding that the children in their classes have made.
The subject leader will also assess progress in each class and across the school by means of:
- Pupil voice- discussions
- Staff discussions
- Book and planning scrutiny
- Learning walks
- Lesson observations and drop ins.
- Displays
These varied approaches will enable the subject leader to have a clear view of the progress that is made across the school in the subject. This will also enable any gaps to be identified and steps taken to fill these. Children with SEND must also be included in this assessment process to ensure that those with additional needs are being provided with a full curriculum that meets their specific needs.
The History subject champion is:
Mrs Laura White