Together we make a family

Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Heath

Miss Baron

Welcome to Braeburn Class! 

I am Mrs Heath and I am delighted to be working in Year 3.  Year 3 is the first year of the juniors and is a very exciting year!  Its the time when we develop our independence skills and become much more mature.

Things will work slightly differntly this year as we will be working just as Year 3 in the morining, but then combining with the Year 4 class in the afternoon.  The children will have a combination of myself and Miss Baron teaching them in the afternoons.  On Thursday afternoon Mrs Spence will teach Year 3 and 4 together.  We are very lucky to have Mrs Don, who is a former governor, helping on a Tuesday morning too.  Our class value is 'Courage' and hopefully as the year progresses we will become much braver and develop our courage so that trying new things isn't as scary.

Working with us this year is Mr Kirkwood, who is a trainee teacher from NW SCITT.

A typical day in Year 3 looks something like this:-

  • Spelling/Reading Vipers
  • Maths
  • English
  • Topic – this maybe History, Geography, Art, Computing,PE and PSHE
  • Handwriting
  • Class Novel

We also lucky that in Year 3 we begin our MFL journey and begin to learn French.  Madame Walbank teaches us on Tuesday.

PE day is Monday.  This will be with the SHARES coach.  Once the winter weather arrives it is a good idea to send in some jogging bottoms and a jumper to wear as we will be working outside.  We will also have PE on Tuesday too.

Useful Links

Times table rock stars

Purplemash - Handwriting scheme


Files to Download

Year 3: News items

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Year 3: Blog items

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Year 3: Gallery items

Egyptians, by Mrs Heath

Year 3: Calendar items

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Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!
Orchard Primary School and Nursery
School Lane, Skelmersdale, WN8 8QG
Mrs Rachel Jacobsen | Admin Officer 01695 724 046

Miss Emma Baron | SEND

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