Together we make a family

Team Crow Orchard

Mrs Joanne Maher 

Head teacher

Responsibilities: Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assessment Lead, Governor, PSHE/RSE Champion,  RE Champion, Looked After Children Champion, Prevent Strategy Lead


Mrs Denise Heath

Deputy Head teacher/ Year 3 Classteacher

Responsibilities: Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Curriculum Lead, Computing Champion, Pupil Premium Champion


Mrs Laura White


Responsiblities: EYFS Lead, History and Geography Champion, Student Mentor


Mrs Louise Rostron


Responsibilities: EYFS ( Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Science- EYFS/Key Stage 1)


Mrs Jenna Smith

Year 1/2

Responsibilities: English Subject Champion, Student Mentor


Miss Emma Baron

Year 4

Responsibilities: SENDCO, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Physical Education Subject Champion, Science Champion ( Key Stage 2), Student Mentor


Mrs Nicola McVey

Year 5 and Year 6

Responsibilities: Maths Subject Champion, MFL Subject Champion, Student Mentor


Mrs Katie Spence

Cover Teacher

Responsibilities: Art and Design Technology Subject Champion, Music Subject Champion, Student Mentor



HLTA - Mrs Jennifer Mason

Pastoral Lead/ Emotional Literacy Support Assistant/Deputy Safeguarding Lead- Mr Steve Murray


Learning Facilitatiors

Our Team

Mrs Emma Fitzsimons ( Early Years)

Mrs Vicky Seddon

Mrs Lyndsay Niblock

Ms Lesley Jones

Mrs Lorraine Anderson

Mrs Imogen Storey


Welfare Staff

Mrs Tracy Wakefield

Ms Joanne McNamara

Miss Marie Johnson


Mrs Joan Hickey - School Catering Manager


Mrs Rachel Jacobsen - Office Manager

Mr John Hudson - Caretaker/Site Manager

Ms Kayleigh Lyons - Cleaner


Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!
Orchard Primary School and Nursery
School Lane, Skelmersdale, WN8 8QG
Mrs Rachel Jacobsen | Admin Officer 01695 724 046

Miss Emma Baron | SEND

SEND Email: