Together we make a family

Physical Education

Physical Education Curriculum Statement


The mind is as strong as our body if we are unable to take care of our body, the mind will suffer.

“Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”— John F. Kennedy                                                                


At Crow Orchard Primary School, we will give every pupil a fair opportunity to access the components of our PE curriculum in order to reach the following objectives:

  • Children to leave Crow Orchard with a positive relationship to physical health, activity and personal wellbeing.
  • Children to use physical education at Crow Orchard to develop their understanding of competition, including: fair play, sportsmanship, team work, passion and playing within the rules.
  • Children to have a sound knowledge of the basic skills needed to access specific sports.
  • Children to use physical education to develop themselves as a whole person - mentally, personally, physically and socially.

Early Years

The intent in the Foundation stage is to focus on developing gross and fine motor skill. SHARES PE Project cover this over the year concentrating on basic fundamental movements including travelling, throwing, catching and jumping.

Key Stage 1

The intent in KS1 is to continue to develop the children’s fundamental skills especially their weaker ones and also to teach children how to apply these skills in a context. The children should develop their knowledge in using simple tactics in a game type activity and start to create sequences of movement in gymnastics and dance type activities. The intent at the end of KS1 is assessment the children on the fundamental movements and show which skills they have mastered, and which need more work.

Key Stage 2

The intent in years 3 & 4 in games is to develop children’s attacking skills through a rage of different sports and activities. They will also develop their knowledge of simple attacking tactics, which are transferable across similar category of games. The intent in years 5 & 6 in games is to continue to develop children’s attacking skills when they are working as a team and to develop their knowledge of defending strategies. These will be delivered through modified mini versions from uneven side to even side.

We have eight key priorities at Crow Orchard Primary School that underpin every subject area. We believe that by focusing on these key priorities our children will be ready to successfully meet the challenges of the next stage of their education and their lives.



What does it look like?

Children participate in up to 2 hours of timetabled lessons each week for every pupil.  One of the timetabled lessons is taught by a PE coach and the second lesson of the week is taught by the class teacher building on the skills taught by the PE coach in the lesson taught earlier.  In Year 5 and 6, the second PE lesson of the week is swimming.

All staff have access to the planning of the lessons sent by the PE coach.  Hall space and outside space are timetabled in order to give each class an opportunity to access PE lessons. Each lesson plan is pre-created but gives the teacher flexibility to alter elements in order to give the pupils the best learning experience. Each lesson has a social, personal and technical objective, ensuring that the whole person is developed throughout. Teachers will make links to the school values where appropriate in order to enhance children’s understanding of the values associated to physical health and sport. We have also developed a curriculum map to guide teachers throughout the year.

Swimming takes place once per week with Years 5 and 6 and the children are taught by swimming coaches which is paid for by the Sports Premium.

Relevant CPD is given to staff when needed and the subject leader attends meetings with other PE subject leaders within the town, sharing and discussing good practice and feeding back to staff of any changes in staff meetings.

The sports premium money is used to pay for PE coaches and to purchase the necessary resources for lessons and extra-curricular activities.


The PE coach provides assessment for each class and this is sent to the subject champion. This also includes swimming assessments. The year on year progress can be tracked in terms of skills and the percentage of children achieving 25 metres swimming distance by the end of Key Stage 2.

Lesson plans are monitored and any changes needed are discussed.

Pop in observations take place where possible by the subject champion and any areas for development will be discussed.

Children will participate in pupil voice interviews with the subject champion.

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Miss Emma Baron

PE Subject Champion

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Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!
Orchard Primary School and Nursery
School Lane, Skelmersdale, WN8 8QG
Mrs Rachel Jacobsen | Admin Officer 01695 724 046

Miss Emma Baron | SEND

SEND Email: